Home » Activities » Ten things that teachers can do in order to end the worst forms of child effort

Ten things that teachers can do in order to end the worst forms of child effortFind out when children can be involved in risk work and personally include in the help.

Make particular efforts for children education and reintegration that are free of child labor.

Teach your pupils for their rights and how to protect them from risk work.

Organize school debates and activities for child labor, for base education and getting familiar to the new Convention for worst forms of child labor.

Support pupil activities toward child effort abuse.

Talk to the parents in your municipalities for the danger of child work and for the importance of continuing the education.

Make extra efforts in order to be sure that the child which effort is exploited is got in the school and go ahead its education.

Work with the others teachers and the superiors to prove the quality and the extent of education (for all children).

Lobby in the Government to make the education to become the highest priority for all children.

Work in solidarity with the teachers all around the world that struggle for eliminating of child labor.