Home » Activities » Ten things that people can do in order to end the worst forms of child labor

Ten things that people can do in order to end the worst forms of child labor1. Include yourself in assistance of the exploited children.

2. Make a voluntary activity in the organizations that work for children protection.

3. Learn more about the worst of child labor as well as laws against them.

4. Discuss the issue openly in your society and decide to undertake any actions.

5. Find other concerned people to make a united group that struggle against this problem.

6. Organize public demonstration and programs for lighting the emergency of this issue.

7. Please the government representatives to undertake immediate actions for ending the worst forms of child labor and to provide education for all children.

8. Tell to the businessmen that you are not going to buy anything from them if they exploit children.

9. Increase the funds for assistance in rehabilitation and children education victims of the worst forms of child labor.               


10. Be dogged in your efforts until every child gets its real rights of the childhood.