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Global campaign for including all children in education - "One goal: Education for all"

The First Children’s Embassy in the world - Megjashi this year as well joined the Global campaign for including all children in education. In more than 100 countries throughout the world, famous global football stars are joined with millions of children with a goal everyone to have a possibility to go to school and to study. Besides the entertaining event we had on this very important issue, we hope to make a world record with the biggest held simultaneous class.

In our country we are daily faced with children who do not have their basic right fulfilled: the right to education. It is of a great importance that the state should provide this right to all the children. During the one week campaign from 19th to 25th of April, the following events were organized:

The first activity included a dedication of a school class, "One goal: Education for all" that took place on April 20th in schools throughout the state. The class was held in many schools in the Republic of Macedonia, which actively supported the global campaign and thus became a part of achieving the world record for the biggest simultaneous class. On the class it was explained that many children and adults are unable to read and write because they had never been to school.

The second activity included in the campaign Global Action Week 2010 One Goal: Education for all was the visit to the Deputy Minister of finance of the Republic of Macedonia Mr. Nedim Ramizi. This meeting was held on the 22nd of April 2010 at 2 pm in the Ministry’s offices. 
This meeting was attended by children from the Daycare center from the First Children’s Embassy in the world Megjashi, children members of the embassy and representatives from the Children’s Embassy. The children used the meeting with the Deputy Minister of finance to make him aware of the fact that a lot of children in the Republic of Macedonia are left without education, especially the Roma children, as well as with issues concerning activities that are undertaken for improving the conditions in the schools and equal implementation of the programs “Free schoolbooks” and “Computer for every child”. On the questions concerning the current plans for increasing the funds for schooling of children that are socially vulnerable, the Deputy Minister answered that the funds already given were previously revised, but we lobbied for increasing the budget for education with intent to open new classes and to enroll all children in school.
On the meeting, the Deputy Minister signed a guarantee with which he committed that during his mandate he will do everything in his power to include all the children in the educational system and to decrease the illiteracy in the Republic of Macedonia.

As a third activity of the Global Action Week it is planned a Public debate – Forum on the subject Educational inclusion of children who do not go to school. The Forum will be held on 27th of April 2010 at 11 am in the facilities of the municipality Kisela voda, st. Prvomajska bb, 1000 Skopje.
The goal of this forum is to animate all the relevant factors that can contribute to surpassing the problem of the children that are not included in the regular educational system as well as to provide mechanisms for their inclusion.

As every year, the Global Action Week is appealing greater inclusion of the children in education. Besides the current legislative in the Republic of Macedonia which proclaim mandatory primary and secondary education, still there is 18500 children who are out of school benches, and total of 200000 persons do not have finished primary education. The non-inclusion in the educational process represents risk factor for the children for their involvement in the worst forms of child labor, as well as their susceptibility to deviant behavior.

The campaign is international and on world level is coordinated by Global March Against Child Labour.

On national level, already 10th year in a row, the campaign is being coordinated and organized by the First Children’s Embassy in the World Megjashi.

More information about the campaign can be found on:


