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Regional meeting of NGOs which do monitoring on the implemantation of The Convention for Children’s RightsIn the period between 10-12 of January in 2008, in Milocer, Montenegro, a Regional meeting was held of the NGOs from Macedonia, Servia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Cration and Kosovo, where participatns were Dragi Zmijanac, Executive Director and Founder of The First Children’s Embassy in the World, and Voskre Naumoska, Progaram Assitent. This was an initial meeting which goal was forming a regional network of NGOs for monitoring the implementation of The Convention on the Rights of the Child in their countries. Also, every country broad out their experiences and the foundations of the network were placed.
This meeting was initiated and supported by the regional offices of Save the Children Norway and Save the Children Sweden, who already are supporting projects in some of the countries in the region.

Next regional meeting is to be realized in the middle of may 2008, when the network forming is to be officially confirmed.