Training: Facing the pastAs a continuation of the recent activities in our organization with multiethnic clubs in 5 high schools (SHS “Nikola Karev”, SHS “Cvetan Dimov”and SMHS “D-r Panche Karagjozov” from Skopje, SMHS “Nokola Shtein” from Tetovo and SHS “Nace Bugjoni” from Kumanovo), we organized a trending on the theme “Facing with past” from 16-18th of February 2007 in hotel “Klimetica-Ohrid, designed for high school students motivated to include themselves in activities for peace building, human rights protection, gender equality, joining different ethnic groups as well as enhancing the mutual understanding and trust.
20 high schools from 5 multiethnic clubs took part in the trending, so the group was ethnically and gender balanced. In the informal part 2 professors, who are included in the Program for nonviolent conflict resolution implemented by the Children’s Embassy for 4 years, also took part.
The aim of the training was to influence on the development of multiethnic dialogue and mutual trust and communication, developing the participants’ consciousness about human rights throughout developing consciousness for minorities’ rights and the right to be different, developing participants’ sensibility for direct and structural violence; constructive conflict resolution aiming to prevent violence in terms of nonviolent conflict resolution; stimulate the participants for constructive engagement in the multiethnic cooperation building process in schools and around; initiating participants mutual bounding throughout joint action in the process of society democratization.
The training was implemented throughout interactive workshops, plenary, group and individual work. The group showed high level of cooperativeness and determination for working on themes that are not usually mentioned in their surrounding but are critical for peace building. The mutual support was a part of the whole training.
The tending was carried out by the field team:
Blerim Jashari(CBS Ljoja-Tetovo),
Ana Bitoljanu (MIRamiDA Center and Embassy Megjashi-Skopje)
Gordana Pirkovska-Zmijanac (Embassy Megjashi-Skopje).
One of the workshops was carried out by Goran Bozikjevikj, trener from MIRamiDA Center, Groznjan, Croatia.
The expenses for the training were provided by Quaker Peace & Social Witness with support f the MIRamiDA Center, whom we are very thankful.