Help appeal for three persons1. Twenty-eight-year-old Stojkovski Borce, from the village Dorfulija –Sveti Nikole, is suffering leukemia. Due to the difficult nature of the disease and the need of bone marrow transplantation, it is recommended that the treatment should continue on the University Clinic in Leipzig – Germany, with which the cure of the disease is warranted. For this treatment 100.000 euro is needed.
This amount can not be raised by his parents, since they are both unemployed, while Borce is near graduation on the Technological – Metallurgical Faculty, and therefore they hope on the humanist citizens, whit which Borce’s life will continue.
Your contribution towards creating the fund to aid Borce in his treatment, may be given by donating 100,00 denars from your T-mobile phone dialing the special number for donations 070 / 143 – 103, or by paying directly to the bank account 200000000018907 in Stopanska Bank AD Skopje, call upon No. 00769412-2, which is opened on this occasion.
2. Seven-year-old Novica Gjoshev, born on 15.12.1999 in Skopje, suffers from one of the most difficult diseases – leukemia (leukemia acuta). His parents are in a difficult financial situation and can’t pay the expenses for his treatment.
Your contribution towards creating a fund which will aid the little Novica for his treatment, can be given by donating directly on the bank account 300001000015425 in Komercijalna Bank AD Skopje, opened on this occasion.
3. Fifteen-year-old Vasiljoska Elena, born on 24.04.1992 in Kumanovo suffers a very difficult disease SLE – Nephrititis, Multiple Cerebral Strokes – Quadriplegia. Due to the difficulty of the disease, it is recommended that the treatment should be abroad. For this treatment there is a need of 17.000 US Dollars, and the treatment should begin on July 07th this year. Her parents can’t raise the necessary funds, so therefore thir hope lays in the humanist citizens, which will help continue the life of little Vesna.
Your contribution towards creating a fund which will aid the little Vesna in her treatment, can be given by donating 100,00 denars from your T-Mobile phone on the special number for donations 070 / 143 – 777, or directly on the bank account: 510-0000000001-09 Komercijalna Bank AD Skopje, opened on this occasion. Let’s hope for the best.
Meanwhile, Marjan Risteski has written us an e-mail thanking each humanitarian citizen which helped him to beat leukaemia. At the moment, he is feeling excellent, and we wish him: Good Luck Marjan! |