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Day Center for children on streetsSoon in the Children’s Embassy-Megjashi it’s going to be opened Daily Center for children on streets. The Center will start working in two months and it will have capacity for 30 children.

In Skopje, there are two Centers at the moment, but this is not enough compared to the fact that over 1000 children in Skopje that spent their childhood on streets living under the sky and without parental care. The number of street children on national level according to the Children’s Embassy’s founding’s, is over2000.

Target groups, or in other words, the children that will be attending this Center, are habitants of “cardboard settlement” near river Vardar, in the settlements Aerodrom and Novo Lisiche, at the age of 6-14 years. They live in very bad hygienic conditions. That’s why in the Daily Center not only they will participate in workshops and getting basic knowledge, they will also take baths and will get clean clothes. Recently we received a decision from the Ministry of labor and social policy in which they inform us that hey will support the Center financially.

According to the researches and polls conducted recently, 30 percent of the children living on streets are orphans, but there are children that have one parent, their parents are divorced or they come from families with disrupted relations. They are from different ages and nationalities, but most of them, around 58 percent, are Roma. Concerns the fact that 15,5 percent of the children on streets are preschool children and 64 percent are at the age of 7-14 years.